Coversure claims process

With your protection and safety at the heart of Coversure, know that we take our claims process and consideration seriously. Please use this as a guide to claims and review our helpful FAQ.

What is a claim? 

A claim is a term used to describe the process of applying for reimbursement or financial cover from your insurance plan. In other words, if you had an accident or injured yourself, you would fill in the form along with the medical information to apply to receive your reimbursement or payment for your treatment to the associated facility.

How to fill in my claims form correctly?

There are a couple of easy steps to filling in your claims forms:

Step one: To personally fill in and complete sections A, D and F of the form. 
Step two: Have your doctor or medical provider fill in section E of the claims form. 
Step three: Send in your completed claims form to the addresses shown in the 'Contact Us' section.

You must send along the following to ensure a processed claim: 

  • The fully completed claim
  • Any additional medical reports which support your claim

Please quote your plan number and member information in all correspondence to the claims department. Keep copies of information about your claim for your own records.

What happens after I send in my claim? 

After you send in your claim, the claims department reviews the copies of the documents as well as the medical reports that support your claim. They will be in touch with you regarding the process of your claim.

How will I be reimbursed?

Coversure will reimburse all approved claims and do so with the information you have provided in the personal information section of the claims form.

Exchange rates: If we need to change from one currency to another, we will use the exchange rate applicable on the date we assess the claim. We will not be responsible for any loss you may suffer due to changes in the exchange rate.

Payment methods: We can make eligible claims payments by:

  • bank transfer in most currencies
  • cheque in the currency of your plan
  • foreign draft.

We will not pay any charges for cashed foreign drafts or cheques.

How do I contact the Coversure claims department?

You can contact the Coversure claims department by phone or email:

Claims hotline: (852) 3765 5577

Claims email:

Areas of Interest

  • About Coversure Insurers, Underwriting, and Management
  • Coversure Complaints and Mediation
  • Coversure Privacy and Data Protection
  • More information about Coversure and Free Quotes


Choose the Right Plan

  • Giving you access to the best care
  • Flexible products to fit you
  • Highest standards of service
  • Get cover for you and your family


Personal Accident Plan Brochure

Brochure of Plans clearly lays out the terms of this plan.

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35th Floor,
1 Hung To Road,
Kwun Tong,
Hong Kong

Tel: +852 3113 2112


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Coversure offers international insurance policies to expatriates and local nationals around the world.


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+852 3113 2112

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